Friday Aug 04, 2023

When a spouse is condescending!


Intro: Mom and her injury… how a spouse takes care of you. 


P. 1a

The new movie Openhimer with Matt Damon, Robert Downey Jr and others…

Matt talked exclusively about talking through issues in marriage counseling about taking time off and making movies etc… and how his wife has really helped him in tough times in acting through out their 20 year relationship. 



P. 1b

What are careers that do better or actually need healthy relationships in order for the business to function properly and be successful.

I will give you the opposite example… a movie star hollywood elite… they can go through 20 relationships and really never have it affect their career success. 

Here is my short list of careers that need healthy relationships. 


Pastors or anyone in ministry

Therapists or counselors

Offshore or traveling careers (crabbers, salesmen etc..) 




What to do when a partner is condescending:

Therapists say condescending behavior can take many forms, ranging from subtle to outright rude. Examples include belittling comments, patronizing questions, frequent interruptions, eye-rolling, sarcasm and mean jokes.

"It's more common than people think," Sara Nasserzadeh, a social psychologist specializing in sexuality, relationships and intercultural fluency, says of condescending behavior, adding that, cumulatively, these actions can take a vast toll on a relationship. "It's like a little chip away from the trust and respect that you have for your partner.”


wreak havoc on the recipient's mental health

Eats away at self esteem


ability to make healthy choices



What they say

How they say it

How they act around you

How they act around you with others

How do they make me feel and do they care

How often do they do this


What to do:

Confess to your partner how you feel

Seek counseling

Take note of wether or not they have listened or are changing. 

Stay soft, pray, 

Choose a time to leave if you are not married.

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